1. The performance of any human activity depends on one’s level of consciousness.
– how awake, intelligent and energetic one is in perceiving external objects and events in the environment and thoughts and feelings within oneself.
  1. The level of consciousness is governed by how the brain and nervous system are functioning.
– Psychologists maintain that we normally only use 5–10% of our mental potential – indicating that there is vast room for improvement.
  1. The Consciousness Development Programme improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
– leading to the full development of human consciousness. Collective consciousness simultaneously improves, for example of the family, the city, the nation and the world.
  1. The Consciousness Development Programme uses Transcendental Meditation® and it’s Advanced Techniques.
– It is the most extensively researched programme for human resource development (see Summary of Scientific Research).
  1. Transcendental Meditation reduces and ultimately eliminates the detrimental effects of stress.
– for both management and employee health and their performance and relationships.
  1. Health, creativity, and productivity are improved.
– in the individual, and the organisation.
  1. Simultaneously, improvements in collective consciousness are experienced.
– such as improved family life, more harmonious work environment, and at the city and national levels, reduced crime and risk of terrorism.