How is it that a small group of Yogic Flyers can create invincibility for a nation?

The most important aspect of invincibility is to create harmony in society, that is, to create coherence in collective functioning. The generation of coherence and harmony at the collective level of the family of nations is the ultimate principle of invincibility and the goal of the Consciousness Development Programme. Securing perfect harmony within the family of nations will result in the absence of any enmity, and thereby will eliminate the root cause of hostile military attacks towards a nation.

Nature provides precise mechanisms to improve and optimize the inner coherence and orderly functioning within a system, that is, to increase the harmony within a system. An example from a biological system is the heart, where a small number of cells, called ‘pacemaker cells’, induce the whole heart to function in an orderly way. An example from a physical system is laser light. In ordinary light, as from a light bulb or the sun, the photons move in random directions, and with widely varying frequencies – the light is ‘incoherent’. Laser light on the other hand, is much more coherent – the photons move in phase with one another.

Phase transition from disorder to coherence chart

When a small number of photons are stimulated to move in phase with one another, the whole system undergoes a phase transition in which ALL photons move in phase – a phenomenon known in physics as super-radiance

Coherent light is far brighter than incoherent light. The brightness of ordinary light is proportional to the number of photons. However the brightness of laser light is proportional to the number of photons squared. For example, 1,000 photons moving in phase with one another radiate with the intensity of 1,0002 (i.e. a million) incoherent photons. Coherent photons create an influence that overcomes the incoherence of the other photons. These coherent photons enliven the electromagnetic field (the field of light), which reacts with the individual photons. This is a field effect. The system as a whole undergoes a phase transition in which all the photons begin to move in phase.

Lasers reflect a general principle in nature: the coherent elements of a system have a far more powerful influence than the incoherent elements.

The Maharishi Effect brings the same principle to human society by enlivening the field of consciousness. Coherent individuals create a far stronger influence in the social system than incoherent individuals.

Optimizing brain functioning chart

During the TM-Sidhi Yogic Flying, at the moment of maximum coherence in brain activity, the body lifts up, indicating profound integration between consciousness and the physiology. This high degree of coherence brings great practical benefits to the individual and radiates a powerful influence of order and harmony in society.

When a group of Yogic Flyers practise this technology together, they generate a field effect of consciousness – the Maharishi Effect – from the level of the unified field of natural law, an effect that is expressed in society as decreased negative trends and increased positive trends.


A characteristic of the military is that before technology is introduced, its effectiveness and reliability is thoroughly evaluated. The experience of all the countries in which the military utilises the Consciousness Development Programme is an endorsement of the programme, that it not only can bring invincibility to a nation but also develops the resilience and performance of the individual and brings great relief to those suffering from PTSD.

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