As the video shows, within 90 days, the platoon that learned TM was outperforming the control platoon in every measurable functional area. These results were substantiated by psychological and neurophysiological tests conducted by the faculty at Norwich. The research found significant reductions in depression, anxiety, and stress in the TM platoon and significant increases in constructive thinking, behavioural coping and resilience [450]. This study was replicated the following year at Norwich and the same results were found.

Lieutenant General Clarence E. McKnight, Jr

Lieutenant General Clarence E. McKnight, Jr.

(U.S. Army – Ret) is a former Director of Command, Control and Communications Systems for the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, D.C.

“I was initially skeptical that such a simple solution could be effective. However, after examining the evidence, I changed my mind.”

Lieutenant General Vasyl Krutov

Lieutenant General Vasyl Krutov

former First Deputy Head of the Security Service of Ukraine and First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

“The theoretical and methodological principles outlined here deserve to be studied carefully and disseminated to the world.”

Lieutenant General José Martí Villamil de la Cadena

Lieutenant General José Martí Villamil de la Cadena

former Chief of Staff of the Army and Commander of Ground Theatre Operations, Chief of Staff of the Joint Command, Vice-Minister of Defense, and General Secretary of the National Security Council in Ecuador

“I hope it will be read and applied by leaders of government and by all in general for the good of society and each person in particular.”

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