Ralph AuchinclossRalph Auchincloss – Managing Director

“I originally learned to meditate at 30 years of age when I was Managing Director of a fast growing family owned business, a demanding and stressful position.

“Although physically fit I suffered from hypertension and was advised by my GP to learn to relax. So I learned TM and within a few weeks my blood pressure was normal and medication discontinued.

“However the full benefits of TM were yet to come. The twice daily practice was effortless and deeply enjoyable. During meditation I experienced a profound calm and afterwards a freshness and vitality I had not known since childhood. Thinking was clearer too and issues that had previously seemed like stressful problems were easily resolved.

“I had thought that finding twenty minutes twice a day to meditate would be a problem. Far from it, the practice of TM was so pleasant that I positively looked forward to it and easily made time.

“After three years I learned the advanced TM-Sidhi Programme which I would highly recommend as having all the benefits of TM, only more so. All aspects of my daily life seemed to benefit from TM including success in business. The combination of clear thinking, relaxed demeanour, and good personal rapport seemed to provide a subtle yet significant advantage in business situations.

“Measuring business success in material terms I achieved the usual trappings of success - a multimillion pound sale of my business, multiple homes, helicopter, yacht and so on having ‘retired’ aged fifty-one.

“These trappings are fun but the real long term benefit of TM is that it opens a door, for those who desire it, to spiritual growth and happiness.” Felsham, Suffolk - March 2016

DArcy FentonD’Arcy Fenton – Architect

“I was 23 years old when I learned TM in Vancouver, Canada, on St Patrick’s Day in 1974, on the advice of my then girlfriend, who later went on to become a TM teacher. I did the TM-Sidhi Programme in 1979, as soon as I could following their introduction to meditators.

“Following my return from Saudi Arabia in 2011, I learned the remaining advanced techniques.

“I noticed the benefits right from the start, and because of that have always been very regular in doing my TM morning and evening, and attending residence courses regularly. I found I had more energy, and less fatigue, and was better able to see solutions to daily problems. I even noticed improvement in my senses, being able to see and perceive more finely, smell more acutely, and hear more discerningly; because my mind was quieter, I was able to notice these refined perception more readily.

“I became a much calmer, more focused person, so found I was more able to sustain my efforts to achieve my goals in life. Over time, I began to have experiences of higher states of consciousness, at first just some silence in activity, and then more refined perception.”

Andreas ThrasyvouluAndreas Thrasyvoulou – Hotelier and Property Developer

How did you find out about Transcendental Meditation?

“It was back in the early 1990s. I had recently qualified as an architect, and the whole industry was going through a period of doom and gloom. I was working from morning to midnight and still couldn’t get on top of things. I was young, I had the energy, but there weren’t enough hours in the day. My business mentor at the time was John Ottensooser. One day we got into the back of his car and he said:

“I’m going to close my eyes - don’t disturb me. When I asked him what he was doing, he pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down a name and telephone number, and said: 'Go and see this lady.'”

Had you heard of TM at that time?

“No, I knew nothing about TM or Maharishi. After the personal instruction, I knew instantly that it was right for me. It was amazing. I knew from the first day I sat in that chair it was going to save my life.

In what sense?

“I was under a lot of pressure at the time. I had just started a family with young kids and I felt that, left unchecked, my health was going to suffer. I saw an immediate improvement to my breathing and heart rate.”

You’ve also taken the TM-Sidhi Programme. How did that happen?

“The events of 9/11 had added an extra layer of pressure to my life. I was trying to expand the business, and some investors pulled out. It was a very challenging period and I felt I needed a bigger anchor. I had never thought about doing a longer course until the Sidhi programme came along. It seems that every time I’ve had to face a major challenge, I’ve gone deeper into TM.”

Any advice for new meditators?

“Connect with other meditators. Experience the effect of meditating with other people. It’s very powerful.”

Keith ParkerKeith Parker – Banker

“I was a very shy 19 year old bank cashier when I learnt TM in 1976. I noticed an immediate effect of having more energy, clarity of thought and most importantly more self-confidence.

“As I continued the practice I became interested in the knowledge aspect and purchased the penguin version of the Bhagavad Gita a year later and attended a weekend rounding course. The effect increased considerably as I gained considerable deep rest and quickly I was promoted to ‘first cashier’. Weekend courses turned into week courses, and I then learnt the TM Sidhis. My horizons widened and my confidence grew more and more.

“One day a senior colleague was absent sick and without having any knowledge of what was required to do the job I volunteered to step in. The management were impressed and then trained me up properly on the new job and gave me the position!

“Banking in the East End of London was quite a cut throat business, highly competitive but doing my TM and TM Sidhis seemed to help me remain fresh and alert and I can really say I enjoyed what I was doing and would wake up each morning and think ‘great, another day’!”

John PurkissJohn Purkiss – Executive Search Consultant

“I had been practising mindfulness for six years when an American friend told me about Transcendental Meditation. I decided to give it a try, and have continued for the past 15 years. In the first few days of practice I felt that nothing much happened. Then one day I let go. It felt as though I was falling into a deep pool, while continuing to breathe normally. One day I flew from London to Shanghai and practised TM on the plane. My normal jet lag was reduced by 90%. These days the reduction is between 80% and 100%, flying east or west. Learning TM was worth it just for that!

“Transcendental Meditation has strengthened my intuition. I know within a few seconds of meeting a candidate if she/he is not right for the job. More recently I have come to appreciate how Transcendental Meditation helps me to handle the recruitment process, which many people find stressful, due to the uncertainty of the outcome.

“I relax and allow the process to unfold naturally, while I work steadily and consistently on the project. Letting go is what makes it a success.

“Since learning TM I have written five books. The Power of Letting Go will be the third to be published commercially. Ideas for the books come when I least expect them, often during meditation or shortly afterwards. The way I see it, John Purkiss doesn’t write books. They appear via John Purkiss because my body and mind are relaxed and ready to receive them. Something similar happens when I take photographs.”

Vania SilvaVania Silva – Project Manager

“I first learned about TM in 2011 while on holiday and recovering from a major physical burnout. Although some of the things I heard were quite incredulous and I intended to do my own research to find out more, I never did. Instead, I went to an introductory lecture and learned to meditate a week later. My life hasn’t been the same since.

“I first noticed the physical effects – as the mind rested, the body reacted accordingly. Quite literally, I saw changes in my physiology as the connection between mind and body improved – better digestion, sleep, and vitality. TM improved the appearance of my skin and almost completely cleared my spring allergies. I also found that I had much less food cravings than before. As the physiology became more settled, I could no longer use industrial chemicals and substances, so I switched to organic ingredients.

“Next, I noticed changes in the workplace – I seemed to get things done much more easily and effortlessly than before – to the dismay and (good-hearted) envy of my colleagues! While doing work for the European Commission, I sometimes had to stay in the office late, so I would stop, meditate, and then carry on working. It was as if a light bulb had switched on in my head, and I always went back to my desk with renewed vigour and mental clarity. I also found it quite easy to grasp new concepts and memorise information. I also became more creative – both in finding solutions and in making art, so I’ve started painting.

“Overall, as a result of TM, I have greater emotional balance and more calmness both in my professional and personal interactions. The physical and mental effects have been profound and even miraculous, and I look forward to continuing the journey!”

Laura DoddLaura Dodd – Fashion Model

“Meditation came to me at a very important, extremely turbulent and crucial period for the start of a new era in my life. I woke up to my deep unhappiness with my life, one element being my relationship with my former partner. I am from a good family who gave me everything I needed; a good upbringing and a great education.

“For most of my adult life I have been a successful fashion model. I bought my first house in London at 21 and have steadily earnt a very good salary. I should have been happy, but I was lost, sad and always anxious. The anxiety never went away.

“I struggled with relationships and always ended up entering into extremely destructive and unhappy relationships and friendships. I felt disconnected and angry and didn’t know how to change this other than just focus on the next project, next project, more work etc etc. I hid a lot through drinking and partying in my younger years.

“I learnt TM with Anna Creese and everything she said resonated so deeply with me, like I already knew it somewhere deep down. I really enjoyed the 4 day course with 3 really lovely women. Anna has been amazing and we have kept in contact, she is kind and connected, thoughtful and very supportive regarding meditation and also my personal situation.

“It is always easy to find time to fit in meditation, even though I work 10 hour days regularly and I have a young 4 year old boy. It provides ‘me’ time. A quiet time to still my mind and to give me space. I connect to ‘me’ during this time and when the silence comes I feel peaceful, warm and uplifted.”

“Meditation brought me peace and relieved the constant anxiety I felt. On top of this my stress levels almost disappeared. I started liking myself and enjoying spending time by myself. In fact I started enjoying life all together. I found it easier to be in the moment and felt more focused and less distracted. I have stopped drinking so much, in fact, I am now inclined to stop all together. I feel better when I don’t drink at all now. I am still successful; in fact, I earn more money now than I ever have.

“Generally, I am a much more even, steady, happy, connected, honest person. I have many more positive and more meaningful relationships and the negative people have simply slipped away. I see Transcendental Meditation being in my life for the rest of my life. I think meditation gives the individual what they need in their own individual life and I would highly recommend it to anyone. The world would be a better place if all work places and schools taught the technique.”

Georgio PapadopulosGeorgio Papadopulos – Merchandise Planner

“I started meditating 6 years ago and the times I’ve missed a session can be counted on two hands. From the first week friends noticed how relaxed and calm I looked. Another thing that happened almost instantly was the reduction of my caffeine intake, until I couldn’t drink it anymore! Then meat went gradually. You don’t need to make any changes to your diet or lifestyle, TM may or may not do this. However you will spontaneously know what’s best for you and your body will know what’s best for itself.

“Relationships with friends and family have improved and I find I can trust people easily and vice versa. I feel more confident in all social situations. I carry myself with more gravitas and I’ve noticed that people come to me more often seeking advice. At work I’ve taken better positions in a short period of time despite the fact that I’m not particularly enjoying my field. I have only TM to thank for my patience! Imagine doing something you love...

“I’ve enjoyed the support of nature in other aspects of my life. Decision making has improved dramatically. It can be a silly thing like what to wear or where to eat, to much more important and life changing decisions like which career to follow or which country to move to. Either way indecisiveness has almost disappeared and as mentioned before you instinctively take the best decision.

“I was always into art but after learning TM my appreciation has increased and I can emotionally connect with it and the artists effortlessly. All my senses are heightened and I enjoy the subtleties in everything even more so than before. Emotional intelligence, empathy and compassion have been amplified.

“I have a better understanding about the things happening around me and I don’t get overwhelmed easily. Even when something does affect me, it doesn’t last as long and I’m over it quickly, like a line on sand disappearing by the passing waves, instead of a line on rock!

“The most beautiful aspect of TM is how effortless and automatic it is, like breathing, you don’t need to think about it.”

Lisa TaylorLisa Taylor – Mother, Publisher and Author

“I first started practicing TM back in November 2013. A little over three years later with a very consistent practice, it has become a part of my life: a beneficial, entrenched habit. Quite simply, I cannot now not do it. When I sit down to meditate, I immediately experience a feeling of profound relaxation and bliss, what David Lynch calls ‘a kind of thick beauty’.

“TM provides a very powerful backdrop or foundation to my life. And it is transformative at many different levels.

“Psychologically, TM has given me a more balanced perspective, allowing me to be present in the moment, calmer, not so anxious. I don’t take things as personally as I used to. And I think I’m more authentic, less of a ‘people pleaser’.

“It has also given my creative productivity a boost. The start of my TM practice coincided with my business taking off. I had left my career as a lawyer to have a family, and was an unpublished writer at home with children, frustrated and unfulfilled. Then a writing friend and I decided to go it alone and set up our own indie publishing venture. We have since published two of her young adult novels to critical acclaim, and we will be launching my own book (a sci-fi thriller) later this year. I am doing what I love.

“My relationships (including my marriage) have benefited. I am far less likely to rise to provocation. I am less defensive and argumentative. I don’t need to be right all the time and I don’t perceive aggression or wariness in other people so much.

“I am – I hope – a better parent. My teenage daughter has high functioning autism and my son has identity issues. I think TM has enabled me to fully accept both children: celebrate their gifts and tackle what challenges them, with positivity. It has also lent me patience and a greater ability to really listen.

“I love the uncomplicated, prescriptive nature of TM instruction: ‘you do it like this, it will transform your life’. And the instruction doesn’t stop with the initial course. I have attended two residential courses, both truly inspiring experiences.”

Richard Lee-Vanden DaeleRichard Lee-Vanden Daele – Lord Mayor’s Secretary

“I learned Transcendental Meditation at the age of nearly fifty, and my only regret is that I didn’t learn it years earlier! The technique is completely effortless and I found the benefits very noticeable right from the start.

“Shortly after starting TM, I had a spectacularly stressful day at work – the type of day that would previously have left me exhausted and feeling battered and overwhelmed. There had been a pretty major issue which resulted in the ‘phone ringing virtually off the hook’, with barely time to gather one’s thoughts in between calls. To my great surprise, I found my reaction to the seemingly endless deluge of calls markedly different from how I would normally have reacted. I was actually relishing the next call coming in. I can only describe the feeling as having been granted ‘armour-plating’ – the stresses simply bounced off.

“The sense of dipping into a tranquil pool twice a day is still a profound one. In a busy life it can be difficult to isolate the two daily twenty-minute meditation slots, but knowing that work and life after meditating is so much more buoyant, centred and productive is a great incentive.

“The longer I have meditated the more I find the bliss of the meditation session permeates increasingly throughout everyday life. Clearer thought, a more optimist outlook, a sense of quiet calm and contentment are just a few of its many benefits and I would not be without it now. It might be a cliché, but it truly is the gift that keeps on giving.”

Sorgya KeslerSorgya Kesler – Business Owner, Artist

“As a start-up founder and someone who has been managing people in fast-paced environments for the last 8 years, I wish I had found TM earlier. Over the past 6 months, TM has been an indispensable asset for greater productivity. It’s the perfect mental reset so I can get back to my busy day with greater clarity and flow.”

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